This tree propose a the concept of a Brazilian and Portuguese ground Tech tree
while i would love to have a Tree for each Brazil and Portugal, i just couldn,t find enough vehicles for both of them to have separated tree. while brazil have interresting vehicles, it would be unfair to have no vehicles to match the very top tier and i couldn't find good starter that fit with the downward expension. and while portugal have very few vehicles, they happen to have the needed started and top tier. for the few other vehicles they could add, they are pretty much just good filler.
the BR was adjusted. pretty much every vehicles received a BR of +1.0 in order to add vehicles who would be otherwise at a BR of 0.0. the 0.0 become the new 1.0 and every nation would get new reserve vehicles fit for the new 1.0. if you do not like the concept. just remove the under performing vehilces and keep the one that you believe to reach the minimal standard, you will see the tree remain great.
this tree is still a WIP and eventually it would have costum icon for every single vehicles. there is still posibility of addition as well.
this tree is built, researched, orginized and drawn by CaID. some text are taken dirrectly from WathunderWiki or the suggestion to save time (and avoid spelling mistake) the link of the suggestion are added in the description as a way to give credit to the writers.
This Tech tree was been design to be balanced with other Techtree from every ingame nation, if you like the result, feel free to look at the other techtree by clicking on the correspoding flags.
i want to give a special Thanks to Darren Hazes and AzazelHades for their great help in the research