Italian Expanded TT

This tree propose a much larger tech tree for Italy which include almost all notable vehicles that was used or built by Italy.

the BR was adjusted. pretty much every vehicles received a BR of +1.0 in order to add vehicles who would be otherwise at a BR of 0.0. the 0.0 become the new 1.0 and every nation would get new reserve vehicles fit for the new 1.0. if you do not like the concept. just remove the under performing vehilces and keep the one that you believe to reach the minimal standard, you will see the tree remain great.

this tree is built, researched, orginized and drawn by CaID. some text are taken dirrectly from WathunderWiki or the suggestion to save time (and avoid spelling mistake) the link of the suggestion are added in the description as a way to give credit to the writers.

This is an early work in progress. every single vehicles are subject to changes.

⦾ = Vehicles in Italian Services (it mean it could be a copy paste or imported without modification)

This Tech tree was designed to be balanced with other Tech Trees from every in-game nation. If you like the result, feel free to look at the other Tech Trees by clicking on the corresponding flags.



Rank I
L5/30 Reserve (1.0)
AB 41 2.0
AB 41 2.0
AB 41/43 2.3
SPA AS 43 2.0
L6/40 2.3
Main tank
AB 611C Reserve (1.0)
M11/39 1.7 ,,
M13/40 I 2.7 ,,
M13/40 I 2.7 ,,
M13/40 III 3.0 ,,
Gun truck / export MBT
AS 42 S18/1000 1.7 ,
50 CMA 75/27 1.7 ,
50 CMA 75/27 1.7 ,
Ro 76/30 2.3 ,
TL37 75/27 2.7 ,
SPA38R Tripoli 1.0 ,,
Dovunque 35 1.7 ,,
AS 42 2.3 ,,
Ansaldo da 9T 1.0 ,
L3/33 C.C 1.7 ,
47/32 L40 2.3 ,
⦾R35 1.7
CV 33/35 Breda 1.7 ,
⦾A9 Cruiser 2.3
AB 42 2.7
C.C.I Tipo 37 1.7
SPA TL37 2.0
L6/40 (31 Rgt.) 2.3
Toldi IIa 2.3
M13/40 II 3.0 ,,
Rank II
AB 43 3.7
⦾M3a3 3.7
M14/41 3.3 ,,
M15/42 3.7 ,,
P40 75/32 3.7 ,,
⦾Pz.III N 4.0 ,,
AS 42 47/32 2.7 ,
3Ro 100/17 3.0 ,
Fiat-SPA 38R 2.7 ,,
ACM 52 3.3 ,,
3Ro Blindato 3.3 ,,
M41 75/18 3.0 ,
M41 75/18 3.0 ,
M41 75/32 3.3 ,
M42 75/34 3.3 ,
M43 105/25 4.0 ,
M43 105/25 4.0 ,
M43 75/34 4.3 ,
M14/41 (47/40) 3.0 ,,
P40 75/18 3.3 ,,
P40 (P) 4.0 ,,
⦾T-34 modello 41 4.7 ,,
Semovente B1 bis 3.0 ,
Turan II (1944) 3.3 ,,
M16/43 3.7 ,,
M43 "G.C.Leoncello" 4.0 ,
⦾M4 Hybrid 4.7 ,,
Rank III
⦾M24 4.7
⦾M18 6.7
P40 4.3 ,,
⦾M4 Tipo V 4.7 ,,
⦾M4 Tipo V 4.7 ,,
⦾M4 tipo Vc 6.0 ,,
⦾M4 tipo IC 5.7 ,,
634N 102/35 4.7 ,
90/53 3Ro 5.0 ,
Breda 501 5.3 ,
M42 4.3 ,,
M7 105/34 4.3 ,
90/53 M41M 4.7 ,
⦾Stug III G 5.0 ,
M43 75/46 5.7 ,
P40 "G.C. Leoncello" 4.3 ,,
Breda 51/52 90/53 5.0 ,
P30/43 5.0 ,,
Zrinyi I rohamlöveg 5.0 ,
⦾Pz IV G 4.7 ,,
M4 Tipo Va Sperimentale 5.7 ,,
OF-24 Mk. 1 6.0
Rank IV
FIAT 6616 6.7
FIAT 6614 7.3
⦾M26A1 7.3 ,,
⦾M36B1 6.7 ,
M109G 7.0 ,
VCC-1 Rh202 6.3 ,,
Leopard 40/70 6.7 ,,
R3 T20 FA-HS 7.0 ,,
C13 T90 7.7
M113 (S.S.11) 7.7 ,
Firos 25/30 MLRS 6.7 ,
M26 "D.C.Ariete" 7.3 ,,
Palmaria 7.7 ,
⦾AMX VCI SS.11 8.0 ,
C13 T25 8.7
Rank V
AUBL/74 7.3
R3 Breda-Folgore 8.3
⦾M47 8.3 ,,
⦾M47 8.3 ,,
M47 (105/55) 8.3 ,,
⦾M60A1 8.7 ,,
⦾SP-70 8.0 ,
OF 40 8.7 ,,
M113 R 8.0 ,,
SIDAM 25 9.3 ,,
C13/60M 8.7
⦾M113A1 (TOW) 9.0 ,
Dardo 9.3
AUBL/74 (Scorpion) 8.0
AUBL/74 HVG 8.7
Fiat 6616H 8.3
LM002 KBA 9.3 ,,
R3 T106 FA 8.3 ,
Rank VI
Centauro HMVS 9.7
B1 Centauro (P) 9.7
B1 Centauro R 10.3
⦾Leopard 1A2 9.0 ,,
⦾Leopard 1A5 10.0 ,,
Leone 9.3 ,,
OF 40 Mk.2A 9.7 ,,
OF 40 Mk.3 10.7 ,,
ATAK 35 9.0 ,,
SIDAM 25 (mistral) 10.3 ,,
VBC (PT2) 9.7
PUMA VBL 9.7 ,
VCC-80/60 10.0
Dardo (1998) 10.3
VCC-80/30 10.7
C13/60A 9.3
M60A1 "D.C.Ariete" 9.7 ,,
Sabiex HIFV 9.7
VRCC 10.0
SuperAV 11.3
OF 40 Thetis 9.7 ,,
OF-40 (MTCA) 10.0 ,,
Centauro Hitfist 10.7
Dardo HITFIST-OWS 10.7
Rank VII
Lynx 120 12.0 ,,
B1 Centauro 120 12.3
C1 Ariete (P) 11.0 ,,
C1 Ariete 11.3 ,,
C1 Ariete 11.3 ,,
C1 Ariete PSO 11.7 ,,
Leonardo M60A3 11.0 ,,
C1 Ariete (Hitfact MK2) 11.7 ,,
OTOMATIC 11.3 ,,
Freccia AT 11.3
Freccia EVO 11.7
B1 Centauro RGO 12.3
B2 Centauro II 12.7
Ariete AMV PT1 12.7 ,,
Ariete AMV PT1 12.7 ,,
Ariete AMV PT2 13.0 ,,
C2 Ariete 13.3 ,,
KF51 Panther 13.7 ,,