Israeli Expanded Ground TT


This tree propose a much larger tech tree for Israel which include almost all notable vehicles that was used or built by Israel or the Hebrew militia

the non-domestic vehicles was remove from the tree under the circunstance they was neither in chinese services or built by china.

the BR was adjusted. pretty much every vehicles received a BR of +1.0 in order to add vehicles who would be otherwise at a BR of 0.0. the 0.0 become the new 1.0 and every nation would get new reserve vehicles fit for the new 1.0. if you do not like the concept. just remove the under performing vehilces and keep the one that you believe to reach the minimal standard, you will see the tree remain great.

this tree is built, researched, orginized and drawn by CaID. some text are taken dirrectly from WathunderWiki or the suggestion to save time (and avoid spelling mistake) the link of the suggestion are added in the description as a way to give credit to the writers.

This tree is dirrectly supporting the Israeli community and his Discord

This Tech tree was designed to be balanced with other Tech Trees from every in-game nation. If you like the result, feel free to look at the other Tech Trees by clicking on the corresponding flags.


Rank I
Tank 1 (medium/MBT)
✡︎ H.39 2.3
M3A1 (SA38) 2.7
Tank 2 (light/MBT)
M3 Reserve (1.0)
M3 Scotti 2.0
C15TA Reserve (1.0)
✡︎ T17E1 3.0
GMC CCKE 353 1.0 ,,
M14 (13.2mm) 2.0 ,,
F60 2.3 ,,
M3 Hs.404 SP 2.3 ,
M3 6-pounder SP 3.0 ,
R.35 1.7
M3 Breda 2.0
✡︎ M22 3.0
Pz.Kpfw. 38H 2.0
✡︎ Daimler Mk.II 2.3
Rank II
M-4 3.7 ,,
Sherman Krupp 3.7 ,,
M-3 4.7 ,,
M14 HS.404 2.7
M5 (37mm) 3.0
Marmon-Herrington Mk.4F (SA38) 2.7
G-502 HS.804 3.0 ,,
M16A1 3.7 ,,
✡︎ M7 3.7 ,
✡︎ M10 4.7 ,
M10 (SA50) 5.3 ,
Marmon-Herrington Mk.4F "The Terrible Tiger" 3.0
✡︎ Archer 3.7 ,
Sherman M1916 4.0 ,,
M4a2 "Meir" 3.3 ,,
BTR-152 (M45) 3.7 ,,
Rank III
M-50 Mk.I 5.7 ,,
M-50 Mk.II 6.0 ,,
M-1 6.3 ,,
✡︎ Cromwell III 5.3 ,,
✡︎ PT-76B 6.3
BTR-40 TCM-20 5.3 ,,
M3 TCM-20 5.7 ,,
M-50 155 SP (1968) 5.7 ,
L33 Ro'em 6.3 ,
M3 90mm DEFA 6.7 ,
Zil-157 MAR-240 5.3 ,
Degem Yud 6.3 ,,
✡︎Churchill III (Jewish brigade) 5.3 ,,,
RAM V-1 TCM-20 6.0 ,,
Rank IV
M-51 7.3 ,,
Magach 1 8.7 ,,
Magach 1 8.7 ,,
Magach 2 8.7 ,,
Sho't 8.3 ,,
M113 OWS 25 7.3
M113 OWS 25 7.3
M113 ORCWS-30 8.0
AMX 13 7.7
AML 90 8.0
M3 TCM Mk.3 6.0 ,,
RBY Mk.1 AT (M40) 7.3 ,
AMX Mk.61 7.3 ,
M-72 Roesh 7.7 ,
M-51 (w) 7.3 ,,
M113 ORCWS-25 7.3
Merkava/Magach 1 9.0 ,,
✡︎M-60 7.3 ,,
✡︎M24 HMVS 7.7
Rank V
Magach 3 9.0 ,,
Magach 3 9.0 ,,
Magach 6 9.0 ,,
Magach 6A 9.0 ,,
Magach 6A 9.0 ,,
Magach 5 9.0 ,,
Tiran 4 9.0 ,,
Tiran 4 9.0 ,,
Tiran 4s 9.0 ,,
Sho't Kal Alef 9.0 ,,
Merkava (p) 9.0 ,,
M113 Zelda HVMS 8.0
PT-76 Nimda 8.3
Namer OWS 25 8.3 ,,
Namer OWS 25 8.3 ,,
Namer UT30 8.7 ,,
✡︎ZSU-57-2 8.0 ,,
Hovet 9.0 ,,
Zachlam Tager 7.7 ,
Giraf 9.0 ,
Eshel ha-Yarden 8.0 ,
IS-3M 8.3 ,,,
Merkava/Magach 3 9.3 ,,
9P133 8.3 ,
Magach 3 Blazer 9.0 ,,
Rank VI
Magach 6R 9.7 ,,
Magach 6R 9.7 ,,
Magach 6B 9.7 ,,
Magach 6 (Nurs) 9.7 ,,
Magach 6M Tadach 10.0 ,,
Magach 6M Tadach 10.0 ,,
Magach 6C 10.3 ,,
Gal Batash 10.3 ,,
Gal Batash 10.3 ,,
Magach 7C 10.3 ,,
Sho't Kal Gimel 9.7 ,,
Merkava 1B 10.0 ,,
Merkava 2B 10.0 ,,
Merkava 2B 10.0 ,,
Merkava 2C 10.7 ,,
FFVD 10.0
M113A2 RCWS-30 10.7
Achzarit RCWS-30 11.0 ,,
✡︎ZSU-23-4 9.0 ,,
Machbet 10.3 ,,
Sholef V2 9.3 ,
RBY Mk.1 TOW 10.3 ,
Hafiz 10.7 ,
✡︎Chieftain Mk.1 9.3 ,,
Magach 7A 10.0 ,,
Tiran 5S Samovar 10.0 ,,
Sho't Kal Dalet 10.0
Magach 6B Gal 10.3
M113 HVMS RAPI 9.3
Sholef V1 9.3 ,
Tiran 6 9.7 ,,
M113A2 SAMSON mk.2 9.7
Merkava 2D 10.7 ,,
M113A3 RCWS-30 10.7
Rank VII
Sabra I 11.3 ,,
Sabra II (iron fist) 12.0 ,,
Merkava 3B 12.0 ,,
Merkava 3B 12.0 ,,
Merkava 3 Baz 12.0 ,,
Merkava 3D 12.0 ,,
BMP-2 UT30 11.0
Sabrah ASCOD 11.3
HVSD/ADAMS 11.0 ,,
✡︎Imp.Chaparral 11.3 ,,
RAM mk.3 AT 10.7 ,
Pereh 11.0 ,
Namer RCWS-30 11.3 ,,
✡︎Sabra II 11.7 ,,
Ra'am Sagol 12.0 ,,
Merkava 4B 12.3 ,,
Merkava 4B 12.3 ,,
Merkava 4 LIC 12.3 ,,
Merkava 4M 12.7 ,,
Merkava 5 Barak 13.0 ,,
Eitan 12.0
Spyder-AIO 13.0 ,,
Namer IFV 12.0 ,,