German Expended TT

This tree propose a much larger tech tree for German which include almost all notable vehicles that was used or built by Germany
Because of the close tie with Austria, and the fact that Austria have very few vehicles that are uniques and they are almost all related to Switzerland, i decided to add them to this tech tree (the only other nation that could have them and make it logical would be Germany and they absolutly do not need them)

the BR was adjusted. pretty much every vehicles received a BR of +1.0 in order to add vehicles who would be otherwise at a BR of 0.0. the 0.0 become the new 1.0 and every nation would get new reserve vehicles fit for the new 1.0. if you do not like the concept. just remove the under performing vehilces and keep the one that you believe to reach the minimal standard, you will see the tree remain great.

this tree is built, researched, orginized and drawn by CaID. some text are taken dirrectly from WathunderWiki or the suggestion to save time (and avoid spelling mistake) the link of the suggestion are added in the description as a way to give credit to the writers.

This Tech tree was designed to be balanced with other Tech Trees from every in-game nation. If you like the result, feel free to look at the other Tech Trees by clicking on the corresponding flags.


Rank I
Light vehicles
sd.kfz 231 wd 6 1.3
Sd.Kfz 221 1.7
Sd.Kfz 221 1.7
Sd Kfz 222 B 2.7
Pz.I C 1.7
Pz.II B 2.0
Pz.II B 2.0
Pz.II C 2.3
Pz.II F 2.7
Gun Carrier
Sd.Kfz 250/10 1.7 ,
Sd.kfz 124 2.3 ,
Panzerjäger I 2.3 ,
Sd.Kfz.251/9 2.3 ,
Heavy tank
Vs.Kfz 31 (Rh) Reserve (1.0)
Vs.Kfz 31 (Rh) Reserve (1.0)
Vs.Kfz 31 (K) Reserve (1.0)
Pz.III B 1.7 ,,
Pz.III B 1.7 ,,
Pz.III E 2.3 ,,
Pz.III F 2.7 ,,
Pz.III F 2.7 ,,
Pz.III J 3.0 ,,
Main tank
Gr.Tr (k) Reserve (1.0) ,,
Pz.IV C 2.3 ,,
Nb.Fz V 2.3 ,,
Opel Blitz Flak38 1.3 ,,
auch Kfz. 1/20 gFlak 2.0 ,,
Flakpanzer 1 2.3 ,,
Flakpanzer 1 2.3 ,,
Flakpanzer 38 2.7 ,,
Tank destroyer
Pz.35(t) 2.0
Pz.38(t) A 2.3
Pz.38(t) A 2.3
Pz.38(t) F 3.0
StuG III A 3.3 ,
Sd.Kfz.251/10 B 1.3 ,
Pz.III D 2.0 ,,
Pz.II C DAK 2.3
Nb.Fz.VI 2.3 ,,
MKA 2.7
Gr.Tr (R) 1.7 ,,
Jagdpanzer 35R 2.0 ,
Sd.Kfz. 140/1 2.3
Sd.Kfz.234/1 2.7
Sd.Kfz.234/3 3.0
Rank II
Sd Kfz 231 Wd 8 2.3
Pz.II L 2.7
Pz.II J 3.0
Sturmpanzer II 2.7 ,
Marder III 3.3 ,
Marder III 3.3 ,
Marder III H 4.0 ,
10.5 cm K (gp.Sfl.) 4.7 ,
Vk 30.01 H 3.0 ,,,
Pz III J1 3.7 ,,
Pz.III L 4.0 ,,
Pz.III L 4.0 ,,
Pz.III M 4.0 ,,
Pz.IV E 3.0 ,,
Pz.IV F1 3.0 ,,
Pz.IV F1 3.0 ,,
Pz.IV F2 4.3 ,,
Pz.IV G 4.7 ,,
Sd.Kfz 6/2 2.7 ,,
s.WS mit Flak 43 3.0 ,,
Sd.Kfz 251/21 4.3 ,,
StuH 42 G 4.0 ,
Stug III F 4.3 ,
StuG III G 5.0 ,
Pz.Sfl.Ic 3.3
Pz.III J1 TD 3.7 ,,
Pz.Sfl.II 3.7 ,
Sd.Kfz.251/22 4.0 ,
15 cm Pz.W.42 3.3 ,
Pz.III N 4.0 ,,
KV II 754 (r) 4.7 ,,,
Rank III
Sd Kfz 234/2 4.3
Spz 11-2 5.0
Spz 12-3 5.7
MR 8-09 SW2 6.0
8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl 5.0 ,
Pz.Sfl. V 5.3 ,
Sd.Kfz 164 6.3 ,
Tiger H1 6.3 ,,,
Tiger E 6.7 ,,,
Pz.IV H 5.0 ,,
Pz.IV H 5.0 ,,
Pz.IV J 4.7 ,,
VK 30.02 (M) 6.3 ,,
Panther D 6.7 ,,
Ostwind 4.7 ,,
Wirbelwind 5.0 ,,
IFA W50 2M-3 5.3 ,,
Jagdpanzer 38(t) 5.3 ,
Jagdpanzer IV 5.3 ,
Panzer IV/70(V) 6.3 ,
Sd.Kfz.234/2 TD 4.7
Pz.Bef.Wg.IV J 5.0 ,,
KV-IB 755(r) 5.3
Panzer IV/70(A) 5.3 ,
Sd.Kfz.234/4 5.7 ,
␠Tiger 6.3 ,,,
VFM 6.7 ,
M4 748 (a) 5.0 ,,
Pz.Kpfw. Churchill 5.0 ,,,
T 34 747 (r) 5.3 ,,
Brummbär 5.3 ,
KV I C 756 (r) 6.0 ,,,
VK 45.01 (P) 6.3 ,,,
Ersatz M10 6.7 ,,
Rank IV
SpPz luchs 7.0
LeKPz M41 7.3
SP I.C 8.0
Waffenträger 6.7 ,
Sd.Kfz 165 7.0 ,
Tiger II P 7.3 ,,,
Tiger II H 7.7 ,,,
Panther A 6.7 ,,
Panther A 6.7 ,,
Panther F 7.0 ,,
Panther G 6.7 ,,
Ostwind II 6.0 ,,
DB L 4500 A Flak 41 7.0 ,,
Jagdpanther G1 7.0 ,
JPz 4-5 7.3 ,
Ferdinand 7.3 ,
Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P 6.7 ,,,
38 cm Sturmmörser 6.7 ,
Panther II 7.7 ,,
Elefant 7.7 ,
Ru 251 8.0
Bfw. Jagdpanther 7.0 ,
Flakpanzer 341 7.3 ,,
Tiger II (H) Sla.16 7.7 ,,,
PanzerHaubitze-155-1 7.7 ,
Rank V
SPz BMP-1 8.3
Marder A1- 8.7
Marder A1- 8.7
Marder 1A3 9.0
DF 105 9.0
Weisel 1A4 MK 8.0
Weisel RMK-30 8.7
M48A2 C 8.0 ,,
mKPz T-54A 8.7 ,,
Standardpanzer 1A 7.7 ,,
Leopard 1 8.3 ,,
Kugelblitz 7.7 ,,
RU 222 8.3 ,,
Jagdtiger 7.7 ,
RakJPz 2 8.7
Tiger II (10.5 cm Kw.K) 7.7 ,,,
mKPz M47 G 8.3 ,,
Maus 8.7 ,,,
Turm III 9.0 ,,
Standardpanzer 1B 7.7 ,,
E-100 8.7 ,,,
mKPz T-55A(P) 8.7 ,,
Rank VI
TH-301 9.7
Begleitpanzer 57 10.3
TH-400 10.3
Radpanzer 90 10.7
Wiesel 1A2 10.7 ,
M48A2 G A2 9.0 ,,
M48 Super 10.0 ,,
mKPz T-72 10.0 ,,
Kpz-70 10.3 ,,
Leopard A1A1 9.7 ,,
Leopard A1A1 9.7 ,,
Leopard 1A5 10.0 ,,
Leopard 2K 10.3 ,,
Leopard 2A4 11.0 ,,
Matador 9.0 ,,
Gepard 9.3 ,,
Ozelot 10.0 ,,
Gepard 1A2 10.7 ,,
RakJPz 2 (HOT) 9.0 ,
RakJPZ 3 10.7 ,
VT1-2 9.3 ,
C2A1 Mexas 10.0 ,,
M48 Leopard 2AV 10.3 ,,
Leopard 2AV (PT19) 10.3 ,,
TAM 2C 10.7
TAM 2IP 11.0
mKPZ T-55AM-2B 9.3 ,,
Class 3 (p) 9.7
Leopard A1A1 (L/44) 10.0 ,,
PT-16/T14 mod. 10.7 ,,
Leopard 2 (PzBtl 123) 11.0 ,,
JaPz.K A2 9.3
Rank VII
Marder MBT 10.7 ,,
Spz Puma 12.0
Lynx KF-31 11.3
Lynx KF-41 IFV 11.7 ,,
KF-51 12.3 ,,
EMBT (2017) 12.3 ,,
EMBT (2022) 12.7 ,,
Leopard 2A5 12.0 ,,
Leopard 2A6 12.3 ,,
Leopard 2A7A1 12.3 ,,
FlaRakPz 1 11.0 ,,
FlaRakRad 12.0 ,,
Leopard 2-140 12.3 ,,
Leopard 2 PL 11.7 ,,